Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I am lovin' it!!!!

Ever since a couple of my online friends have introduced me to blog advertising and doing paid posts, I've had so much fun doing it. For some people it works for them, like me....I love it. I do it on the side to earn a little extra cash for myself. And its come in handy for me as well. For instance when my phone is about to be shut off, for some reason...I always have money to pay for it. If I didn't have this extra cash. I would totally be stuck and would have gone without stuff. Like yesterday I went and bought a light for my craft room. It looks awesome back there now. I think I am going to buy some stuff to weatherize the back laundry room a little warmer. I see light coming thru the door so, with that little extra cash. I can go buy it. I only get paid every two weeks with my other money. Well yesterday I said I was going to buy myself a certain drink from a certain coffee store. I decided I wanted something else. So it was nice to use my extra cash. And the Boyfriend hates it when I say I have a secret stash. He gets all huffy about it, but hey...its my money I earn. And what I like best about Smorty is I don't have to wait the full 30 days like other paid to blog sites. And I have had so many opps. with Smorty lately its unbelievable. So head on over, check out the site and sign up already and start earning some money for yourself. And go buy yourself something nice!!!!

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