Monday, November 12, 2007

ok, I took the pictures of the old place.

I went ahead and took pictures just in case my crazy ex-landlord decides to get nasty like she did with the guy who moved out upstairs. My Boyfriend Mike and I got there at 8am Sunday Morning. He did the garage and I did the house. Well of course I had more to do so he helped me inside the house. He made the comment it would be different if we were getting a deposit back, but I didn't have to pay one. But I felt it was my duty to clean it better than before. So I took pictures of everything that is important, well at least to me. We scrubbed the stove, it obviously wasn't cleaned before we moved in. Down the side of the stove is what I am talking about. It was stuff that was caked on, so disgusting. OMG gross. But between Mike and I we got it cleaned. I pulled the fridge out, vacuumed the grill because you know I have cats...and that is just gross in itself. In this picture here you can see both the stove and fridge.

I noticed a spot we missed as I was leaving today. OOps. Oh well, can't expect it to be perfect. But I also took pictures of the broken TILES in the kitchen that we were forced to walk upon for almost 3 years and that rug is her solution to fixing the broke tiles. I am not shittin' you. She honestly needs to replace the tiles before anyone else moves in. And I also took pictures of the ceiling tiles in my Son's room. This one is the one that soaked my Son's bed and that he couldn't sleep on for a week due to it being wet and I dried it with a fan. She refused to replace it even though it was her house that leaked. I had no control over it. I am going to post them over at my Flickr so if your my friends/family you will be able to see them if not, just add me or request to be my friend. I have no problem with that. Well, I am going to finish up some things here. Its looking like a home again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was just going through the photos. That woman needs a thump upside the head or two! Good grief!

Glad your new place is feeling like a home. :)