Monday, January 14, 2008

Maybe I should..

Into some term life insurance quotes now that I am getting older. I know my boyfriend did last year, and got a great quote. I need to think about it though because of my Son. I don't want something to happen and he be without. I want him to be able to live life without worries even if its just for a short time. I shouldn't be saying stuff like this. Who knows what may happen to any of us at any time.

For instance of a friend of my Mom's who has Stage 4 Gastric Cancer which has gone to his liver. We know that life throws us curves and we learn to deal with it. I was reading his blog earlier and yes it made me cry. He mentioned all the paperwork and stuff and how pressed he is for time. One would never think that in a moments notice, our life is over before it really started.

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