Thursday, September 27, 2007

Me not happy.

See tomorrow is suppose to be my last day, and my boss proceeds to tell me that my last day is the 5th. Well, I cannot work until the 5th because it will totally mess up my housing and rent amount. So I told her I would work this weekend to the end of the month in order to not mess my rent up. See, living on my housing whatever the month I end my work in. I have to report it. So if it ends in Sept. She will change it but won't go in effect until November. And if I only work a few days in Oct. I can't change it til' the end of the month and leaves me totally screwed for the month of November and NO MONEY. See what I am saying. I am not getting Child Support just yet. I turned in his new job two days ago and that usually takes a week or two to get mailed. So it will take awhile before I see any of that money. Total PITA. But anyway, my hand is hurting like a mofo. I mean hurting, that I am calling the doctor tomorrow. Because I should not have pain a week later. Maybe I will go do some research on when I am suppose to start using my hand again.

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