Sunday, April 29, 2012

DO you like free stuff?

Who doesn't? I enjoy free stuff at any given time and truly appreciate when I do get free stuff. I am a honest person and work hard for what I do have. But a friend of mine suggested for free stuff and I heard of this awhile back but forgot about it until recently. I am constantly buying stuff online and now I can earn more rewards with my purchases. My hope is to be able to have a decent Christmas and not stress over buying gifts and not having enough money. Free is good, Free is great!!!

Watching my Big Fay Gypsy Wedding.

All I have to say is, wow.  So extravagant and lots of bling, bling.  I can't believe how far they go out for communions and weddings.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Did I mention at the Science Museum?

That they had some really neat exhibits and I think my favorite exhibit was the music exhibit.  The kids were having fun with all of the instruments using their Digitech Effects the kids felt like they were rock stars.  At this stage in a young child's mine they are learning their musical side and I am glad that the kids that were there was having a good time playing with all of the musical instruments.  Its essential for children to explore their musical side and see what they are good at.  I think all children should be exposed to music and instruments.

Sure missing my Isabella.

I hate this, I will be doing just fine then out of nowhere someone will mention her name and all my emotions come rolling back to me.  I hate being emotional!


If I should do a hosting review but haven't decided just yet if I want to change or keep the same one for my other blog.  I haven't decided just yet, I probably will see in a couple of months once I graduate.  I have had no problems with my current host and why really change when no problems have occurred. 

Watching a TV show based on a jailhouse in Las Vegas right now and it totally got my attention, and I hope that I never end up in a jail.

Ready for bed.

Took a hot bath and now I am ready to lay my weary head down for the night.  But I know I have some schoolwork to finish, just wish I had more time in the day. 

Oops, almost hit the hitch.

Today we stopped at a donuts shoppe to buy a couple of donuts, because they are awesome donuts.  But as we were pulling in, the parking spot we pulled into the truck in front of us had a hitch that stood out a good foot and I thought for sure he was gonna hit the hitch. I think it was a trailer hitch or something for a big boat.  But still it would have done a lot of damage to my front end if we had hit it.  But who's fault would it be, when his hitch stuck out that far?

Went to a new grocery store.

And oh my goodness, I love the store.  I love the bulk items that they carry and they are decently priced too.  I bought some bulk pasta, and cat food.  Yes cat food.  We just may start buying that stuff from there. 

Got to get this!

I am more determined to lose weight before July, I want to feel really good about myself when I graduate. But the only thing I am worried about is the diet pill side effects that come with taking diet pills. 

So still, I am going to take a chance probably not this week but next to see if I can do this.  It makes me a little moody as it is so I don't want to be moody. Especially this week with our visitors coming from the corporate office, actually I am kind of nervous about meeting new people.  I hope that I don't flub up and make a mistake.

Busy week at work.

Tomorrow is a big day for me, I get to learn something new and frankly I am quite scared to say.  But I know I am strong enough to do this and anxious to learn something new.

Monday, April 02, 2012

Searching for deals!

There are always a lot of people searching for good deals, so with sonomax you can find some good deals on electronics.  I would like to find me a good deal on a iPad but that won't happen until the end of May.  I am hoping that with my final money from school, I can make a purchase of a iPad to be apart of the crowd to say that they are in the know how.  Please!  I would like to have one really bad but it just all depends on finances, and if I will be making it back home or not for my nephews birthday!

I need motivation!

I need to get my rear in gear, and get going to work.  I don't wanna go today!  I want to stay home but we have a three day weekend ahead so I need to focus on that!

We need a pool!

We have a yard big enough for a pool but we can't afford an in-ground pool so we may just buy an above ground pool for this summer.  We really want to be able to enjoy it without having to leave and go to a waterpark. So I will be doing some research and hopefully I will find something, I have seen some websites to research especially on the supplies needed so maybe will buy a pentair pool and get it set up but then again its something I need to think about as we have cats that live in the neighborhood and roam free.  I need to do my research first!

Love my Jasmine@

Its been since Sept. 27th since we lost our beloved Isabella, its been a rough journey for me and I miss her so much every day.  We have Jasmine and she was Isabella's best buddy, and I know Jasmine misses her so very much as well.

Love our new mattress!

We decided that our mattress needed to be replaced so we decided to go buy a new mattress and we absolutely love the mattress we bought.  Its not one of those natural latex mattress los angeles  but its good enough for us.  We no longer have a hump in the middle of the bed, which I think that is the part of having a king size bed that I dislike as the middle has the edge of the two small box springs below that causes the hump.  Hopefully that doesn't happen to our new bed, we may have to buy a new frame to hopefully stop that from happening.

Gotta get ready for work!

I hate mornings like this, I need to get motivated and ready to go but I don't want too.  At least we have a three day weekend ahead of us. 

Missing music!

Every year we would travel with my boyfriend's kids to their music competitions, and to see how organized these schools are is very impressive. All of their instruments are carried by each of the students and handled with care.  I've seen so many instruments from guitars, to saxophones, to Glyph Hard Drives to drums and finally flutes.  Its so neat!  I think my favorite part above all is when they have parent night and they do a show just for the parents and the parents get involved on the field. I've got to enjoy watching my boyfriend go on the field to be involved.  I know he missed last year and he should go this year to enjoy it!

Happy Birthday Makayla!

Today is your day, its your special day and so with that Happy Birthday Makayla...have a good day and we love and miss you so very much!