Sunday, November 11, 2007

I missed it.

The first 7 laps of the race...grrrrr. I was sitting on the loveseat and totally fell asleep. Gah. First I was freezing, then I fell asleep...I woke up wondering where I was at. Must be getting sick. I found out some news on the old place today. That a woman had died in the kitchen there. She was electrocuted with the wiring in the house. AND that the Landlord covered up 4 inches of Black Mold with the new siding/boards. YAH....glad to find out now uh? It would explain how sick I have gotten while living there. So I think I am going to make a call to the city inspector because I cannot let someone else move in there, and take the risk of getting sick or possible die. It would be on my conscience. My Boyfriend has asthma so he would wake up having attacks during the night. But one thing I have noticed is, some mornings I would wake up and smell this awful smell. NOT cat smell either this was mold smell like something was rotting. I would run around the house to see if I could find what it was. I have never found anything. I am talking I took out the garbage, wiped things down, just to see if that helped. It never did.

Onto better things this week I should be getting my new washer and dryer. YAY!!!!!!! I honestly cannot wait to do laundry in my OWN HOUSE. No more roach infested laundromats. Its not the laundromats fault...its the nasty people who come in there. Or they have a million kids and bring in bags...(YES BAGS) of clothes. And them little critters love to travel. I always kept my stuff off the carts themselves...never leaves my basket. Makes my skin crawl. Literally.

I so missed being online this weekend, dial up makes me crazy. But at least I am online. Well gotta go find something for dinner.

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