Friday, July 20, 2007

Seriously any more bad news?

Now that I officially jinxed myself. I was all hyped up about paying for our trip to Adventureland when I arrived at Daycare to find a sign that says...all seats are full. I was sooooo pissed. Its the one time a year, I get to spend an entire day with my Son at a fun place. AND IT'S FULL. A$$holes. I couldn't afford to pay til' today. So now, here I am sitting here thinking about I can spend the day with my Son doing something fun. One thought I had was to go ahead and drive there myself in my Van. I mean after all it was only a chartered bus with movies, breakfast and other fun things to do. Maybe its better to just go by ourselves in my vehicle, leave when we want and do whatever we want. I was going to spend at least $80 for our spots, well its only about $40 for us to get in, and I would spend about $40 for least. So either way it will work out. If I do decide to do this, I need a oil change. I might go and do that now that way its out of the way. I've been neglecting the oil...oops.

1 comment:

Jill said...

I think that would be a great idea to drive there yourselves. It'll be great for you both to get away and have some fun! *hugs*