Saturday, July 21, 2007

Cleaning out my closets....for

I started cleaning my closets out today because I felt it was time for me to begin the process of eliminating "junk" in my house. I guess you can say, after the flood I was devastated...well actually still devastated. But I am coping with it with the best attitude possible. I believe it actually made me a better person today. I now believe that if I don't see it, I won't miss it or if I haven't used it within a year then to throw it away or give it to Good Will or something. I cannot believe the drastic change in my bedroom. I have a floor, (not that I didn't before) but I can actually see my hope chest. I forgot how pretty it was. My friend Alysia is going to let me use her steam cleaner so I can do the carpets in there and in my Son's room. I still have sooooo much crap to deal with its not even funny. But I am betting that I can get it done before tomorrow. Even if that means staying up all night just to get it done. Just wish I had more storage ya know?

Now for next friday, its official. My Son and I are driving to Des Moines,IA to Adventureland for the day. Also going is my best friend Dawn and her kids. (I am jumping in my seat). We had such a blast last year that we are going to make it a yearly thing. Taking a couple of coolers of food and drinks, and we will be set to go. Definitely taking the camera to take more pics. as I came across the ones from last year and I loved them. I am getting Well....not gettin' anything done here now so off to cleaning still. It actually feels good to throw crap

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