Wednesday, May 02, 2007

I got tagged, so here ya go...and no I don't mind one Thanks Marianne!!!

1. What is the stupidest mistake you have ever made with money?
The Stupidest mistake I ever made was spending it all on scrapbooking supplies when I knew in fact, we needed groceries. Oh I so kicked myself for that one.

2. Do you think taxes are unfair or do you think it's your civic duty?
Oh I think they are unfair but who am I to judge? I like getting my big check in the beginning of the year

3. Do you take risks and possibly turn your life upside down for new opportunity?
I tried that once, and learned a very important lesson. It left me homeless and up shit creek without a paddle.

4. Are you the alpha in your household? (Include pets)
You better believe it baby. I might have 7 cats, a vicious crab, a hyper 10 year old but I sure rule this house.

5. Do you compromise with your significant other or does someone always get their way?
I gave up compromising a long time ago when I got divorced. Now its my way or the highway.

6. What curse word do you use most often?

7. Do you easily change your mind or are you dead set on most issues?
I am constantly changing my mind, hey its a woman's perogative.

8. What famous person would you like to trade places with for one week?
No one, because everyone has issues and problems.

9. If you could go back in time and tell one person off, who would it be and what would you say?
Ummmm. I would go back to when I worked at a certain garden center and the "boss" came out and yelled at me for not watering a friggin' bush. Here's what I would say.

"Take that f*cking bush and shove up your f*cking ass and water it yourself! How the heck do you expect me to water this acre full of plants in a 6 hour day??? You f*cking idiot!!!"

10. Were you a good student or did you do just enough to get by?
I showed up, tried to do my work never got help, failed but then realized I need my GED and got it.

11. If you could give one piece of advice to someone just starting out on their own, what would you tell them?
Live within your means, don't go crazy with your money and be honest.

12. Are people basically good and honest or are most people opportunistic and predatory?
People are people, some scare me...I stay away from those

13. Is there somebody you wish you could go back and apologize to?
Only one person I would apologize too. Her name was Rhonda, everyone made fun of her and I felt so bad. I wasn't exactly "Popular" myself and I let people put her down. But then I moved and I didn't get the chance to let her know that. I then found out that she has since passed away and I now live with this guilt.

1 comment:

Rockstar Mom said...

Woah. I was homeless with a 2 and a half year old for approximately 2 months.

It makes us strong.

Thanks for doing this tag. Great answers!