Thursday, December 07, 2006

Good Morning!

Another day with the constant arguing. I swear I am getting more gray hairs over me and my Son arguing. He is so difficult in the mornings. I will make it thru this, I tell myself that everyday.

Well how has everyone been? I've been really good. I've been doing alot of ChaCha'ing lately. With all the Publicity online for the site yesterday was soooo busy. Some of us at GuidesHQ believe they were trying to crash ChaCha. Well it didn't work, it might of slowed us down but it didn't work. I am still getting searches for things that aren't out there. Some of the searches are down right funny. I enjoy a good laugh. For instance one guide said they had someone being chased by a alligator and the Guide said in return. RUN. Oh my I bout died laughing.

So check out my sidebar and click on the ChaCha and have someone else find something for ya. Also check out my new Amazon link. Its awesome.

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