Saturday, November 04, 2006

Its a Beautiful Saturday.

And I am making money at home sitting on my behind. I am working on ChaCha. I love it, I love the people. I love the idea of helping others find websites and information. Even though there are plenty of search engines out there, this is the only live Guide one around. Its something totally new. My Sponsor Gina is awesome, I can't thank her enough for letting me know about the site. If you would like to join ChaCha, let me know and I will get you the information. Right now Beta is about to go live on 11/6/06 and most of us Guides are getting excited.

Today is going to be kick butt day. Why? Momma needs some new things. And I owe people some moolah. SOOO, that is my game plan. I was bad, we needed laundry soap and dish soap, but there was a pumpkin pie candle sitting on the shelf at W*lmart that smelled sooooooooo good. So I bought it. I am waiting for the fragrance to flow thru the air. My house is clean, laundry is almost caught up. My Boyfriend is going to work, so its just me and the kids. I can work without not interruptions. So anyhow, hope all is well and everyone has a great day!!!!!!

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